RAD is stands for Rapid Application Development. We can say that it is part of incremental model. In RAD model, if planning will be done perfectly then required product will be completed soon by the team as in RAD model each phase of development life cycle will be executed in parallel. Each development life cycle will be considered as a development of mini project and afterwards whole project will be completed by integration all mini projects or application. Mostly planning will be done as per the initial requirement and further if requirements will be changed then it may be covered in different group of development life cycle.
While starting the product, Developer and Client will have lots of communication and then perfect planning will be taken place in RAD model. As per the picture, different team will be worked on the same module and at the end each work will be integrated and whole project will be delivered to the client.
There are 5 models in RAD model.
- Business Model
- Data Model
- Process Model
- Application Generator
- Testing & Turn Over
We will understand each model in details.
1. Business Model:
As name suggested, in this model all the different kind of functionalities of application or product will be define in details. Like which function will be work and produced the expected result of the application. All the analysis will be done in this model and it is much required to deliver the best product to the client. Thus, all the information related to the functions development will be finalize here in this business model.
2. Data Modeling :
In Data modeling, the relation between the different objects will be identified. Object and suitable attributes are discussed and finalized in data model. Which data will be require to pass in the different object and which kind of output should be generated that will be discussed here.
The way business model will be finalized, data model will be generated. This is all about data modeling. Next is Process modeling where data object will be used.
3. Process Modeling:
In process model, which ever the data have been collected in data model that would be used as business process. As per the requirement of product, development processes have been identified and respected data object of the product will be defined. By defining this, business flow will be achieved. This is all about the process modeling. Next is Application generation steps.
4. Application Generation:
Application generation is the important level of Rad model. As process and data have been identified in upper level, application generation is taken place. Application will be build up here, all the different modules have been integrated here and one application will be build. Many kind of automation toll are used here to integrate the code with data base and required soft wares. Unit testing have been done in this level. When whole application will be developed, it will passed to the testing team for verification. Thus next and last step of Rad model is, Testing & Turnover.
5. Testing & Turnover:
Testing is the last step of the development procedures. In RAD model each team will do individual testing for their assigned modules so after integrating product in one, Only integration issues will be required to verify so total time will be saved.
Here each steps of the RAD model have been define in brief. Each business team work individually on divided module of the project with followed by this 5 steps and afterwards every modules will be integrated to a single application.
Now we will see when we can use RAD model:
- When requirement is well cleared and defined by the clients and client will be involved in the each team
- When development time will be required less months to develop an application
- When technology will not be changed frequently for the project and Change request will not posted by client often.
- Here we are divide the work in the different team so many people will be involved in develop an application which indicates that budget of the project should be high.
Advantages of RAD Model:
- Product delivery can be fast and productivity will be increased as many people will work on same application.
- It will be accepts required changes in middle of the development.
- As client is involved with each team, there will not be chance to miss anything.
Disadvantage of RAD Model:
- With each team, client will be involved so they have to give us more time for discussion.
- Not good model for Long term project.
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