Appium Android Interview Questions

16. : Can you tell me few appium limitations?
Answer : Limitations Of Appium are described on THIS PAGE.

17. : Tell me different ways to locate android app elements in appium automation.
Answer : You can locate android app's elements using bellow given different ways.
  1. XPath
  2. ID
  3. Name
  4. className
  5. AccessibilityId
18. : Can you tell me different ways to locate element by XPath?
Answer : You can create XPath in different ways to locate same element. Different XPath examples are given on THIS PAGE.

19. : What is use of package and launcher activity name of android app in appium automation test?
Answer : In appium automation test, We need to provide android app's package and launcher activity name so that appium can understand which application to launch for test when you start running appium test. We can set package and launcher activity name as desired capability.

20. : How to get android app's package and launcher activity name?
Answer : There are many different ways to get android app's package and launcher activity name. I have described two different ways to get android app's package and launcher activity name. Other two ways are given on THIS PAGE too.

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