Interview Questions For Appium

6. : What is Node.js?
Answer : It is cross-platform runtime environment which is used to develop server-side software web applications. It is open-source so you can use it without any cost.

7. : What is Desired Capabilities and how it is used in Appium software testing tool?
Answer : Desired Capabilities is bunch of keys and it's value. Using this set of keys and values we can tell to appium server that what kind of automation session we are going to create. Example : If you set platformName = Android then appium will understand that you wants to create automation session to run test on Android.

8. : Tell me appium supported platforms to run automation tests.

9. : Is there any way to access Android SDK tools from eclipse?
Answer : Yes, You can access Android SDK tools from eclipse using it's ADT Plugin. VIEW MORE

10. : Why appium?
Answer : There are main three reasons to use appium in mobile software automation.
  • When you perform software automation test using appium, It is not required to modify or recompile your software app as appium use standard software automation APIs on all platforms.
  • You can write automation tests for mobile software app in your favorite  WebDriver-compatible language like java, C#, PHP, Python etc.
  • Appium allows you to use any testing framework.

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