How To Ignore Test In WebDriver With JUnit

As described in my previous post, We can create junit test suite to execute multiple test cases from one place. See example of my previous post. junittest2 class have two @Test methods. Now If I wants to exclude/Ignore 1st @Test method from execution and wants to execute only 2nd @Test method then how can I do It? Ignoring specific test in junit test is very easy.

@Ignore annotation
We can use JUnit's has inbuilt @Ignore annotation before @Test method to Ignore that specific webdriver test from execution. Let we apply @Ignore annotation practically in our test and then observe its execution result.

My scenario is to ignore 1st @Test method from execution so i need to put @Ignore annotation in my test before 1st @Test method as bellow.

 public void test1() throws InterruptedException{ 

Here, @Ignore annotation will exclude test1() method from execution.

Copy bellow given Ignoring @Test method(test1()) part with @Ignore annotation and replace it will @Test method part given on Step 3 (Create 2nd test case) of THIS EXAMPLE (Note : @Test method part which needs to replace is marked with pink color in that example post).

 //To ignore this @Test method from execution
 public void test1() throws InterruptedException{  
 driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='fname']")).sendKeys("junittest2 class-test1");
 System.out.print("\njunittest2 class-test1 method is executed");

Now when you run full test suite( then on completion of junit test suite execution, you will get bellow given result in console.

junittest1 class is executed
junittest2 class-test2 method is executed

As per console result, ignored test(test1()) is not executed.

JUnit test execution report will looks like bellow.

This way, Junit's @Ignore annotation will help us to ignore specific test from execution.


  1. i was wondering if u can use selenium ide and export it as java/junit/webserver - would that code work?

  2. sir the pink box did not appear plz help plz plz ele my boss will fire me i have 2 kids and 1 wife to feed plzzzz
